Friday, February 05, 2010

Configure Services MMC to Open Maximized by Default

One of my pet peeves when working on client servers remotely doing maintenance is that I need to check to make sure all automatically started services are ... started, using Services MMC.

You'd think this would not be an issue, but believe me, automatically started services do not always start automatically. True Story.

Now when you open up Services (services.msc) it starts in extended windowed mode. I like to maximize it to see the most services at a glance as possible.

You can edit the shortcut for the MMC all day long and it will never start Maximized ... Damn you Microsoft!

Well here's how you fix this in the non-obvious way:

You will open Services MMC in author mode to create a new Services console or modify existing Services console. (This works for all MMCs btw)

1. Click Start, Run and type %systemroot%\system32
2. Right click the file Services.msc and copy/paste it back into the same directory, which will create a backup copy called "Copy of Services.msc"
3. Right-click the original Services.msc, and choose Author

The Services MMC Snap-In opens in Author mode, in which you can customize the window size, pane width, view mode (Standard or Extended) etc.

4. Customize the MMC to your hearts content.
5. From the File menu, click Save As to save your settings, save over Services.msc.
6. Exit the Services MMC.

Now open Services MMC (services.msc) normally, it should have retained your customizations.

Rock it like a hurricane, baby!

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