Saturday, November 15, 2008

Disk is Full. Clear up some space on your disk... WTH!?!

If you have been in IT long enough you will likely have run into something along these lines on a user data volume or (more annoyingly) a server OS partition. And you have come out of the server room IT guns blazing, shouting "Who done burned up all the storage on the server?!! DIE!!!" ;)

Well I have an app that I like to use in these instances to help me identify the who/what/where/how much of these storage issues. Best of all it's free, and you know I love me some free software that actually kicks butt and gets the job done. Makes my day.

For your directory scanning pleasure, I present:

JDiskReport a cross platform java-based tool, authored by Karsten Lentzsch of JGoodies, that focuses on understanding how much space the files and directories consume on your disk drives, and it helps you find obsolete files and folders.

The tool analyses your disk drives and collects several statistics which you can view as overview charts and details tables:

There are free binaries for Win32, OS X, Web Start and Java available.

Check it out, you won't be sorry.

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