Our recommendation now, stay away from Iomega and Snap brand NAS devices, they are highly susceptible to overheating. You've been warned.
Besides for about half the price you can throw one together for yourself with greater capacity, good reliability and better RAID speed.
You can get a free NAS solution up and running without all the normal open source headaches by hopping over to http://www.freenas.org , downloading the ISO and following the instructions and you will have a FreeBSD-based NAS up in about an hour.
FreeNAS is a free NAS (Network-Attached Storage) server, supporting: CIFS (samba), FTP, NFS, AFP, RSYNC, iSCSI protocols, S.M.A.R.T., local user authentication, Software RAID (0,1,5) with a Full WEB configuration interface. FreeNAS takes less than 32MB once installed on Compact Flash, hard drive or USB key.
The minimal FreeBSD distribution, Web interface, PHP scripts and documentation are based on M0n0wall.